The Biggest Round Rock Solar Panel Installation You Never Knew About

Affixed to the top of IKEA are some 6,000+ photovoltaic solar panels which collect sunlight, convert it into AC electricity, and provide a bunch of renewable solar energy to the store each day. Photo Credit: IKEA
IKEA’s Huge Solar Powered Roof in Round Rock Texas

Satellite view of Round Rock’s solar powered IKEA store.
Completed in 2012, the Round Rock solar panel installation will produce approximately 2,398,500 kWh of clean electricity annually – the equivalent of reducing 1,822 tons of carbon dioxide, eliminating the emissions of 324 cars or powering 206 homes yearly.
Company Commitment To Solar On Display In Round Rock

IKEA has a long history of developing and promoting products and solutions that help its customers save energy, reduce waste, and use less water. And though they are not available at stores in America, IKEA offers solar panels for sale at various locations in Europe.
“Tackling what has now become one of humanity’s biggest challenges is something we can all commit to – making sure that our children and their children will have a safe and prosperous future on this planet.” – IKEA website
According to their website, the IKEA Group and the IKEA Foundation have made commitments totaling over $1 billion US dollars toward tackling climate change. They are investing in on-site solar, like the installation at the Round Rock store, and off-site wind turbines. IKEA is also switching their lighting to energy efficient LEDs, and sourcing both wood & cotton used in their products from sustainable sources.
Top Solar Panel Installers in Round Rock, Texas
Alba Energy is proud to be one of the top solar panel installers in Round Rock, Texas. Our in-house team of NABCEP certified solar experts are trained to design beautiful solar energy systems that can produce as much power from the sun as your home requires, and at a cost that will allow you to save money from day one!
With SMART Solar Financing from Alba Energy you can POWER your home with solar panels, pay LESS on electricity bills, and contribute to a CLEAN energy future. Request a FREE solar consultation today!

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